Website Terms of Use
Please carefully read the Terms of Use that govern access to and use of this website.
For the terms of purchase and use of our products, as well as our return policy, please read here. Below and hereafter, the term 'Geopsis' is used to refer to Geopsis Maps & Guides of Greece, represented legally by Mr. Eleftherios Tsouris, as well as any employee, executive, or collaborator thereof. Last updated on 10/12/2023.
If you do not agree with our terms and conditions, we advise you to terminate your navigation on our website. By continuing to navigate our website and using any of the services displayed on it, you automatically agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. The information and content contained on the Geopsis website are subject to change at its discretion, without prior notice to the public. Geopsis, without guaranteeing and therefore being liable, makes the maximum effort to ensure that the information and the entire content are governed by accuracy, clarity, temporal proximity, completeness, and correctness.
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The entire content of the Geopsis Maps & Guides of Greece website is the subject of its intellectual property and is governed by national and international copyright laws. Reproduction, republication, copying, sale, transmission, distribution, issuance, translation, modification in any way, in whole or in part, is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of Geopsis through its legal representative. The names and trademarks presented on the Geopsis website are registered trademarks of Geopsis and are owned by its intellectual property. Anything appearing on the Geopsis website that is the subject of third-party intellectual property is solely and exclusively within their sphere of responsibility.
Geopsis, without guaranteeing and therefore being liable, makes the maximum effort so that the information and the entire content presented on its website, in its printed products, in its derivative products through its services, in its digital maps, and in general in all its products available in its online store, from third-party distributors, within and outside Greece, in online stores, or physical stores/bookstores, are governed by the utmost accuracy, clarity, temporal proximity, completeness, correctness, and availability. Therefore, Geopsis is not liable in any case for any damages or loss of profit, direct or indirect damage, or decision-making arising from the use of its printed maps or books, digital maps, services, and, in general, all its products.
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Geopsis fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and DOES NOT RETAIN OR PROCESS personal data, with the sole exception of user accounts created voluntarily by the users themselves. Geopsis DOES NOT store, retain, process, or resell your personal information to third parties.
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